I’m you’re all like me and utterly exhausted after losing that one hour of sleep last night even though you went to bed at 9pm to prepare for it. What? That was just me? Well I suppose we’ll see who does better tomorrow. Yes I had a nap today too! What of it? It’s Sunday and a nap is hard to resist when you’re all curled up with a book in your hand.

With the time change means warmer weather and I am so excited to see the spring weather finally here and only hoping we can hang on to it for a while though you never really know what to expect in Halifax. We could get 10 inches of snow next month and no one would be shocked. The thing with spring weather is that it brings out the runners. I can see them from my living room window and I applaud their energy as they run by. I know I’ll be back to it just as soon as my running partner recovers from her recently sprained ankle. I have no doubt she’ll be pushing me just like she did last year and a sick part of me can’t wait. For now though I will be heading back to the couch with a book! I’ll be sure to post about it soon.